Before Youtube Become The Next MTV Music Had a Near Monopoly On How We Express Our Cultural Values. Rock and Roll Had a Near Monopoly On Our Teenage Rebellions. Music Once Performed The Function That Social Media Has Today.
THE 80'S
The 1980s marked a turning point in music history, with MTV revolutionizing how music was experienced. Music videos became essential for serious musicians, adding a visual dimension to the art. Iconic anthems of the era became inseparable from their videos, solidifying music's visual accessibility as a lasting legacy.
The 1990s saw artists push boundaries despite the rise of the Parental Advisory label. Music videos reached new heights, with visionary directors embracing MTV's edginess and creativity. This era delivered unforgettable songs and cultural milestones. Explore our collection of 90s classics that defined a generation and still inspire today.
THE 2000's
In this era the platform for the music videos truly diversifies. With DVD no longer being new music videos start coming out on a new affordable form of home video. Newer file sharing programs that replaced Napster such as Morpheus become a hub for the MV. Of course the greatest change of all is YouTube in 2006. In 2008 YouTube finally allows videos to be uploaded in high quality. The music video can no longer be constrained to one type of format. Where ever the music video is we will be there.